Minutes of Last Meeting

Minutes of April 12th OARS Monthly Meeting

Call to Order:
– OARS President Jim called the meeting to order at 7 PM, and led the Pledge of Allegiance.
The meeting was held in-person. 9 attendees.
Meeting Minutes:
– No minutes to approve.
Treasurer’s Report:
– No treasurer report.
Old Business:
– Last mtg before the Feather Fiesta Days Parade. (May 4th).  Vests & posts were assigned by Ron. It was noted that this parade is the longest route we provide coms for. 7 people currently assigned as well as net control.
– Club needs to start thinking about someone else taking over parade organization duties.
New Repeater Site Update:
– Joe & Jim were able to put in 80% of insulation.  Some wall panels installed as well.
– Need to finish installing insulation & wall panels.  Put up mast & antenna. Run feed line.  Move equipment into shack. Energize and dial in equipment.
Field Day:
– Need to decide location. Will discuss at May mtg.
New Business:
– Talked about doing a POTA on May 18th.
– Mentioned that Yuba/Sutter club does a fox hunt every other 2nd Saturday of the month.
Monthly Breakfast:
– The monthly breakfast will be held on Saturday April 27, at 9 AM. Jim will confirm availability of the restaurant, and send out a reminder with the location.
– Jeffrey presented a demo on Chameleon Antennas
Close of Meeting:
– Meeting was adjourned at 8:00 PM.
Club VP took minutes this month.